• Offerings


We invite you into facilitated ways to engage in a more embodied faith through community sessions, growth cohorts, one-on-one sessions, and occasional retreats that we offer.

Community Sessions

We offer group sessions for small groups of participants, moving through rhythms of activity and rest, both alone on our mats and together in community. Check our events page or join our newsletter for upcoming sessions.


In a 1:1 session, we will create safe, contemplative space in which to move through postures that engage the body to align with the posture of the heart. These movements facilitate developing awareness of our current state, and responding to the invitation to open the heart to deeper, more authentic conversation with God.

Growth Cohorts

Growth Cohorts are small groups of participants who meet regularly for a season, developing awareness and presence through shared experience. We do not currently have a scheduled cadence for Growth Cohorts; if you are interested, kindly let us know as it will help us to gauge interest as we plan ahead!